Friday August 5

An overcast start to the morning saw our usual group of Polar Bear and Roller Bear swimmers doing their thing. Those of us not in the water were awoken by their rousing chant. We walked up and had a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, fingerling potatoes, fruit, bacon, oatmeal, and cereal. A deep rolling thunder shook the dinning hall towards the end of breakfast so we all cleaned together and then had an impromptu dance party. Folks from 5-50 years old were dancing up a storm-literally. Once we got the all clear we headed out to our last focus area session of the week under a gentle rain. Campers and counselors were finishing up their projects and culminating the week with a finishing activity. For lunch we had lots of tasty mac and cheese, of course featuring Jasper Hill cheddar! We chose from such electives today as puppets, flash mob, tea in the garden, paddle board jousting, staring contests, and beyond. Dinner was local Vermont sausage, sweet potato fries, french bread rolls, and peppers and onions, the salad bar was full and diverse. For evening activity we played Survival, a tag-like game featuring watering holes, herbivores, carnivores, humans, and disease. Silly fun was had along with a lot of running. We had delicious smoothies as a treat before singing our closing song and heading down to cozy section fires before bed. Our local bard owl friends sang all night and seemed to be talking with the loons on the water.


Saturday August 6


Thursday August 4