New Camper FAQ
Questions from Parents
What sets Hosmer Point apart from other summer camps?
The camp community! Our campers will tell you that at Hosmer Point, everyone is like one big family. Campers are respected for who they are, and form meaningful friendships with their campmates. We carefully cultivate our community by keeping the size of camp small, hiring excellent staff who live and play with campers, and keeping our community values of Cooperation, Generosity, Kindness, Respect, Trust, and Unity at the center of all we do. Parents notice a "camp effect" when their children come home from HP - whether it's helping out around the house, being kind to siblings and other children, or just seeming more confident and mature. Part of respecting campers is allowing them to set their own schedule for each day, choosing from a wide selection of activities. Giving children a safe environment to try new things and make their own choices gives them the freedom to grow and become more confident. We're also proud of our commitment to use and teach sustainable practices, which includes buying local ingredients for our dining hall and even growing some of our own food at camp. Campers rave about our delicious fare, and parents love that it's healthy and fresh.
How do I decide if Hosmer Point is right for my child?
We're excited to help you find the best summer camp "fit" for your child! We recommend watching the movies on our homepage and reading our Testimonials page. You might want to do this with your camper. Make a list of questions and give us a call - or set up a convenient time for a camp Director to call you for a chat. We also love giving camp tours any time of the year. Send us an email and we'll see if we can set up a time for a tour.
How does Hosmer Point accommodate transgender, non-binary, or other campers who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth?
At Hosmer Point we work to create a space where all campers feel safe and empowered to be who they want to be. We do not offer activities based on gender identity - all activities are for everyone - and we actively work to make participation in stereotypically gendered activities feel safe and fun for everyone. Cabins are divided into those for campers identifying as boys or non-binary people and those for campers identifying as girls or non-binary people. Please register your camper for the cabin of the binary gender with whom they most identify or where they will feel most comfortable, and provide their preferred pronouns on their registration form. We’re happy to chat with you further about where your camper will best fit and any additional accommodations they might want to feel comfortable at camp (such as a changing area in the cabin). Our staff receive training on identifying and dealing with gender bias and the specific concerns of non cis-gendered campers, and we invite family members to give us feedback and to chat with us about any concerns before, after, or during camp.
How diverse is the Hosmer Point camp community? Is HP a good fit for BIPOC campers?
Our campers come from a wide diversity of places, families, and economic and religious backgrounds. We are especially proud of our work to remove barriers for economically disadvantaged campers. We also recognize that the racial demographics of our campers and staff closely match those of the places where our campers predominantly live - about 65% of our campers are from Vermont - making BIPOC campers and staff a minority in our programs. Also, summer camping in New England has a legacy of being for wealthy, white children and of appropriation of indigenous culture - facts which weigh more heavily on the experience of BIPOC campers. Our goal is that by recognizing this history and the challenges that being a racial or cultural minority brings to meeting new people and fitting into a new community, we can steadily work to remove obstacles to belonging. We work with our staff to identify bias and areas where we can improve, and we have partnered with Strength Perspective to provide diversity, equity, and inclusion training to our full staff. We are encouraged that return rates for campers of color are similar to those of the camp as a whole. We encourage campers, alumni, and families to reach out with concerns and feedback as we continue our DEI journey!
How is Hosmer Point handling the challenges of COVID-19?
Hosmer Point was able to safely hold a shortened camp season in 2020 for a portion of our usual campers, and a full camp in 2021 and 2022. Thus far, Covid cases have been quickly identified through screening tests, and with successful implementation of safety plans, there has been no transmission to others and all campers have been able to continue having a great time at camp. Because our food service relies on ingredients from local farms and long-term employees, we also avoided the worst of the staffing and ingredient shortages which hobbled some camps in 2021 and 2022. As we move into 2023, we are in a strong position to offer the same great program we have always provided and we look forward to a continued loosening of Covid precautions at camp. We will continue to follow the latest guidance from the American Camp Association, Vermont Department of Health, CDC, and our consulting camp physician as we determine what safety measures may be needed this season, and we plan to update families on the 2023 guidelines by springtime.
All deposits will be fully refundable this year if a camper needs to cancel because they have contracted Covid-19.
In 2022, we required all campers and staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19. We will be reevaluating this policy as we get closer to summer, however, at this time families should plan on campers needing to be fully vaccinated to attend.
I see that your camp tuition is based on a sliding scale. How do I decide how much to pay? What happens if I'm wait listed?
We ask that each family take a close look at their budget and contribute as much as they can. Families paying more than the cost of camp will help those who need to pay less. Our goal is to make camp accessible to as many families as possible while continuing to keep Hosmer Point sustainable for the future. Families paying less than the cost of camp will be wait listed if we do not have enough funds to subsidize their camp stay. As more families contribute above the cost of camp, we will take campers from the wait list on a first-come, first-served basis. You can read more about the sliding scale here. If you need assistance above what is offered on the sliding scale, please email or call. We never want to turn away a camper for financial reasons.
How many campers are at camp? How many staff and counselors?
Hosmer Point is a small camp, with only 100 campers at any given time. We keep our size small on purpose so that everyone can form relationships with one another and build a strong camp community. Our campers always say that the "feeling of family" or feeling like "home" is what makes Hosmer Point special. We have a counselor to camper ratio of at least one staff person for every four campers, but usually the ratio is closer to 1 to 3. Each cabin of 10 campers has two counselors who also lead activities around camp. We also have special staff who just lead activities and live elsewhere on or off site.
What medical facilities are at camp?
The health and safety of our campers and staff is our highest priority and we work very hard to keep everyone physically and emotionally safe each and every day. We have a well equipped health facility at camp with a registered nurse living on-site, and beginning in 2022, a mental health professional who is on-call to be available by phone. Staff are trained in first aid and preventative care. The local hospital is 40 minutes away. Staff trained in wilderness first aid accompany overnight hiking trips. We're happy to answer any questions you may have about the care we can provide or our emergency procedures, and can also put you in touch with the camp nurse to discuss concerns specific to your child.
My child has a medical, behavioral, mental health, or developmental condition. Can they attend?
Our goal is to accommodate all campers as long as we can maintain the safety of participants and staff. Please get in touch with us before you register so we can determine if Hosmer Point is a good fit and plan for a successful stay at camp. The most important tool we have for helping campers with extra needs is the ability to collaborate with parents in advance! With the help of the camp nurse, we can accommodate campers with many chronic health concerns, and we are happy to “go the extra mile” if it will allow a child to safely experience camp. However, our staff are not specifically trained to work with campers who have medical, behavioral, mental health, or developmental conditions; and it is important that there be a successful management plan in place for any conditions before arrival at camp. Hosmer Point does not provide direct adult supervision at all times, which may make Hosmer Point unsafe for some children. If Hosmer Point does not seem like a good fit, we can help you find a camp with the necessary staffing and infrastructure to meet your needs. Hosmer Point may send campers home early if their safety or the safety of others is at risk.
What if my child is homesick?
For some campers, this may be their first extended time away from home. We understand that this transition can be difficult for parents and children alike. Most campers experience some degree of homesickness, and this is normal. Our counselors and directors have the tools and experience to know how to help these children through their difficult periods, and turn conquering homesickness into an empowering experience. If a child's homesickness is getting in the way of their ability to have fun at camp, our leadership team will be in touch. Working with parents, we can almost always find a way to make homesickness fade. Most campers will be fine in the first couple of hours or days.
Please feel free to get in touch with our staff before camp if you or your camper are concerned about homesickness, or if this is their first time away. One of the best ways to ensure a great camp experience is to prepare for homesickness before leaving home. We have lots of tips to help set you up for success!
How do you select your staff?
Our counselors play an integral role in the Hosmer Point community, serving as positive role models and mentors for campers. We take the job of hiring counselors very seriously, and conduct criminal background checks on every camp employee. The most important aspect of a prospective counselor candidate is their experience and love for working with children. We look for creative people who have enthusiasm for their activity areas and an appreciation for the outdoors. We personally interview all applicants and are diligent about checking references. Our counselors are generally 18 to 25 years old and must have graduated from high school or the equivalent. Most counselors return to work at camp for several summers. We like to hire education majors and young people pursuing careers working with children, as well as folks who've completed our Counselor In Training program.
How does my child get to and from camp?
Most families drive or carpool with friends to camp. Drop-off is as speedy as possible (parents stay in the parking area) so the fun can start sooner and there are no lingering goodbyes to kick-start homesickness. Pick-up is the best time for visiting and camp tours - with your camper as your guide. Many parents turn pick up or drop off into a mini-vacation and spend the night at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center (just a mile down the road) or at a near-by bed and breakfast. We also offer a pick up and drop off service from Burlington International Airport. If your child will need picked up or dropped off, please get in touch with our office staff at least two weeks in advance of the day they'll be traveling, preferably before purchasing tickets.
Since we can’t tour camp at drop off, can we visit before camp?
Yes! We love taking campers and prospective campers on tours. Just let us know if you’ll be in the area and we’ll set up a time to visit. We also have multiple events at camp throughout the winter and spring where we offer camp tours, and Zoom “Open Houses” for those who live too far away to visit.
How can I communicate with my child when they are at camp?
We are living in an age where technology allows us instant and constant contact. Hosmer Point is a place where campers take a step back and unplug. There is no cell phone coverage at camp. Cell phones, ipads, and other electronic devices are not allowed on camp. We believe that having an independent experience at camp is a big part of what helps children grow and mature from their time at Hosmer Point.
We encourage campers to write letters home and we encourage parents to write back! Mail call is exciting and children love it when they see something addressed to them. At the end of each session we post lots of pictures on our password-protected page for parents. We hope these photos facilitate conversations with your child about what they did at camp.
Our office staff and camp directors are always available by phone or email, so if you feel concerned, get in touch. We are always happy to provide updates on how your child is doing.
What about laundry and getting clean clothes?
As part of our commitment to sustainability and water conservation, we ask campers to bring enough clothing to last for a full session. Keep in mind that at camp, it's just fine to wear the same clothes for more than one day! Hosmer Point is a place where children will get dirty, and even at times are encouraged to do so. Keep this in mind when selecting what clothes to send!
Don't see the answer to your question? Check out the Parent Handbook, or contact us!
Questions from Campers
Can I room with my friend?
There will be 7 to 11 other campers in your cabin. If your friend is the same gender and grade as you then we'll be happy to put you together if you both request it. That being said, we don't want to have a cabin of six campers who know each other from home and only two new campers. That would make it really hard for the new campers to find friends. Camp is a place where we come to meet new people, have new experiences, and try new things. If you want to come with a friend, make sure you are both ready to reach out and make new ones too! It's also good to remember that regardless of which cabin you're in, you can sign up for activities with anyone in the camp, and you can spend lunch and free time with whoever you'd like. That means even if your friend (or brother or sister) isn't the same age or gender as you, you'll still be able to spend lots of time together.
What if someone is mean to me at camp?
At Hosmer Point, everyone's goal is to build community and live by our six core values of unity, trust, generosity, cooperation, kindness, and respect. That means no-one should be acting mean or being a bully, and almost all of the time, no-one does. The counselors have practiced stopping people from bullying, and will be checking in with everyone everyday. However, once in awhile a camper can be mean without them noticing. If that happens, you should let your counselor know right away so they can help you fix the problem and go back to respecting one another. Bullying is absolutely not allowed at camp. We also teach everyone that asking for and giving consent when you do things with others is always necessary. This helps make sure everyone can feel comfortable and heard at camp, and helps prevent people from being mean by accident. We’ll be practicing our consent skills together at times throughout camp.
Does everyone come with a friend?
No, many campers come to camp for the first time not knowing anyone. If you don't bring a friend with you, you will not be alone. Regardless of whether you come with a friend or if you've been to camp before, you're sure to make new friends every year!
What is the food like?
The food at Hosmer Point is so good that every year campers say it's one of their favorite parts of camp! The camp cooks make all the food from scratch using ingredients from near-by farms and the camp garden - so it's really yummy and also healthy. For breakfast, we usually have eggs, bacon, or sausage and muffins, pancakes, or french toast with real maple syrup. There's always fruit, yogurt, and cereal too. For lunch we might have macaroni and cheese or soup and sandwiches; and for supper we'll have something like roast chicken with veggies or our head cook's famous spaghetti and meatballs. There's also always veggies, hummus, salads, and fruit at lunch and supper, so you're sure to have something you like to eat. For dessert our baker makes cakes and cookies. She also makes all our bread. We have a snack every day, and if you're hungry in between meals, you can always grab a piece of fruit from the dining hall. Every weekend we have a barbecue at the waterfront, and every Wednesday is Pizza Night, when we make pizza in our wood-fired oven outside. It's the best!
If you're vegetarian or have a food allergy, our cooks will adjust their recipes so you'll have things to eat. They'll also make sure they have gluten free and lactose free options. Because some campers are really allergic to nuts, we don't use any peanuts or tree nuts at camp.
In the dining hall, we eat breakfast and dinner with our cabins, and lunch outside with anyone we want. After meals, campers take anything that was left on our plates to the compost or to the camp pigs.
What are the cabins like? What are the bathrooms like?
The cabins at Hosmer Point are small wooden buildings with bunk beds, screened windows, and electric lights. You'll share your cabin with 7 - 11 other campers your age and two counselors. You will have a small shelf to keep some of your belongings, and a space under your bed where you can keep your suitcase, trunk, or a plastic bin with your clothes. The cabins are in two different areas, one for younger campers and one for older campers, each with it’s own bathhouse. Each bathhouse has toilets, sinks, and showers with private changing areas and hot and cold water. It is a short walk from the cabins to the bathhouses and is lit at night, but you'll want to bring a headlamp or flashlight along just in case.
Can I bring my phone? Can I call my parents?
At Hosmer Point, everyone is busy experiencing camp to the fullest and interacting with friends face-to-face. We've found that having cell phones, tablets, and ipods just distracts us from having fun and can even make you feel homesick. We require all campers to leave electronic devices at home (with the exception of digital cameras). We're betting that once you try taking a break from your phone, you'll like the freedom it gives you to just be in the moment. If you want to talk to your parents, the best thing to do is write them a letter! Most campers enjoy writing to their parents and friends, and it's always exciting to receive a letter from home. If you feel it's an emergency and you really must talk with your parents, tell your counselor or a camp director. If they think it's the right thing to do, you can call home from the camp office. Usually though, calling home just makes you feel homesick. Because of this, the camp director might relay a message to your parents for you instead of letting you call them.
What happens if I'm homesick?
It's normal to be homesick, at least a little bit. But don't worry, we won't let you sit around and cry all day. Instead, we will help you get involved in the activities at camp and conquer your homesickness by setting goals for yourself. Almost always, campers feel better after a little time at camp. It’s also good to remember that you can miss home and have a great time at camp at the same time, and that learning how to manage those feelings is an important part of growing up. If it's really not working, we'll work with you and your parents to come up with a solution. We don't want you to stay at camp if you're going to be miserable, but we're quite confident you won't feel sad for long if you allow yourself to give camp a fair try. The best part is that once you've gotten over feeling homesick, you'll have much more confidence in yourself and what you can do all on your own.
Which Focus Areas and Electives are offered each week? What if I don't get into the activity I wanted?
The activities we offer vary throughout the summer and from year to year, based on the interests and experience of our counselors. However, we always have arts and crafts activities, guitar lessons, photography, sailing, sculling, boating, woodworking, farm and garden, archery, tennis, and sports electives such as field games or soccer. There are also lots of zany games and activities that are new each year! We can't offer every Focus Area every week, but we do try to make sure everyone can try at least one of their first-choice areas. If we can't offer an activity as a Focus Area, we will almost always offer it as an Elective, so you can still give that activity a try. Sometimes Electives and Focus Areas fill up before everyone who wants to can sign up. If there's an activity you really want to try but it filled up before you could sign up, let your counselors know. They will try to run the activity again so you can do it too. If there is an activity you really want to experience, be sure to let our counselors know, both in your "letter to the counselors" and in person when you get to camp. If you tell your counselor that an activity is really important to you, they will try their best to make it happen! You can also tell your counselors if you have an idea for a new activity, like a building project or a field trip. If it seems like something we could do at camp, they'll make it a new Focus or Elective! We always encourage campers to try new things, and you may be surprised what activities you end up trying!
If I'm not good at something can I switch activities?
Sure. We want you to try new things and sometimes that means that you won't be very good at first. We'll try to give you all the tools you'll need to get better, but if you decide the activity just isn't your thing, let us know. We'll switch you into something else.
I'm not a very good swimmer. Will I still be able to participate in water activities? Will there be swimming lessons?
Everyone will take part in a swim check on Opening Day. If you don't know how to swim or if you're not a strong swimmer, our counselors can give you some swimming lessons (if you want) but usually campers want to focus on just having fun. If you're not a very strong swimmer you will need to wear a life jacket when you're in the water (except during lessons), but you will still be able to participate in all the activities. You can ask to have your swimming ability checked again whenever you'd like.
What's the weather like? What if it rains?
We have a saying in Vermont that says: "if you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes" This means that the weather in Vermont is constantly changing. The temperatures can get down to 40 degrees at night and up to as warm as the high 80’s during the day. Generally the temperatures are in the 70's during the day and a bit cooler at night. We do get rain and thunder and lightning storms. The storms are awesome to watch from the theater in the middle of camp. A warm sweatshirt or two with long pants will be especially nice in the mornings and evenings. You can always layer at night in the sleeping bag if it gets super cold. When it rains at camp, we usually just go get our rain gear and keep having fun outdoors! Mudslides are a great rainy-day activity. Of course, if there's a thunder storm we have to stay inside until it passes by, which usually takes an hour or so. When we're indoors we can play active games in the barn, or chill out with board games in the game room. It's also a great time to work on arts and crafts projects, cook some snacks, play music, tell stories, or practice for the talent show or lip sync contest.
What happens on Opening Day?
On Opening Day, you'll probably arrive with your family by car (HP staff can also pick you up from the airport). We’ll send you your cabin assignment and an arrival time a few days before, so you can arrive at the same time as the other campers in your cabin. Counselors will show you where to park, and where to drop off your luggage. Be sure to keep any medicines out of your bag so you can take them to the camp nurse at check-in. During check-in, we'll make sure we have all your camp forms, if you need to you can meet the camp nurse and turn over any medications you brought, and you'll have your hair checked for lice. Then we’ll introduce you to your cabin counselors, and you’ll say good-bye to your family. As soon as everyone from your cabin has arrived, you’ll walk down to your cabin together and counselors will help you find your luggage (our staff will have delivered it to the cabin area while you were checking in) and unpack. We’ll send you a video of check-in day in advance so you will know what to expect. Once you’re moved in, you'll go with the rest of your cabin to for a swim check, to sign up for activities, and an orientation to camp. Dinner the first night is always spaghetti and homemade meatballs with salad and garlic bread - mmm! That evening there will be a ceremony where you learn which team you'll be on during your time at camp. When you come back the next year, you will be on the same team again, so it's exciting to see which team you'll join! Your cabin counselors will have special activities to help you get settled in for your first night. Be sure to ask them if you have any questions about anything that happened Opening Day - we want you to get off to a good start at camp!
What happens on Closing Day?
On Closing Day, you'll pack up all your things and load your luggage into a truck to get delivered to the parking area. After breakfast, parents will begin to arrive. They will check out with our staff and pick up some notes for you from the counselors, then meet you at the Theater building. Once you've met your family and put your luggage in your car you can walk around camp and give your family a tour. Don't forget to nail your name onto the Community Tree before you go, and say "see you later" to your counselors and all your new friends! You can also sign up for camp next year on closing day. After camp, we'll email your parents the addresses of all the campers who were in your session so you can keep in touch until next year.