Wednesday, July 10th

Greetings from Hosmer Point! We had a lovely breakfast of eggs and bacon on english muffin sandwiches and got to spend some time outside before the rain moved in. We had our focus areas for the last time, we can’t believe the session is already almost over! Lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup, a favorite for many campers and staff. This afternoon, we’ve been staying inside, out of the rain, and practicing our cabin dances. Everyone is excited for the Lip Sync and Talent Show tonight! If you read last week’s blog, you’ll know that Wednesdays are pizza night. Although we moved inside, instead of having a picnic like we usually do on Wednesdays, the pizza is as delicious as ever! We’re sad to be wrapping up this session but excited to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow!


Thursday, July 11


Tuesday, July 9 2024