Friday, June 21, 2024

As the sun breaks through the clouds after a few stormy days, excitement fills the air at camp. Today is a perfect day—a gentle breeze rustles the leaves, and the sky is a vibrant blue dotted with fluffy clouds. Campers are buzzing with anticipation, gearing up for one of the most anticipated events of the season: the Call of the Loon competition.

Tonight, after a hearty dinner of roasted chicken, corn, jasmine rice, and sweet potato fries (a favorite among campers and staff alike!), we're all looking forward to a thrilling game of Lava Rush. Led by our enthusiastic Counselors-in-Training (CITs), this game promises to be an adrenaline-filled adventure. It's moments like these that forge lifelong memories and bonds among our camp community.

Today also concludes our first weeks Focus Areas where campers have been deeply immersed in various projects and skills. Whether it's sculling or sailing on serene Great Hosmer Lake, diving into a new plot in Book Club, cooking up tasty snacks in Farm and Garden, or crafting beautiful pieces to share with all of Craftsbury, each camper has had the opportunity to explore their interests and develop new talents.  Looking ahead, next week brings the excitement of choosing new Focus Areas for week 2 and offering campers the chance to delve into fresh adventures and learning experiences.


Saturday, June 22, 2024


Thursday, June 20, 2024