Tuesday August 10
It was a HOT day here! Wearing sunscreen and staying hydrated were our goals of the day. Breakfast was bacon egg and cheese sandwiches with banana bread and fresh fruit on the side. We continued to improve skills in our AM focus areas and then went to electives like field hockey, read aloud, heart attack, and karoake. Lunch was mac and cheese, penne, salad, roasted sweet potatoes, and quinoa. Mostly everyone hung out up top during rest hour on the theatre porch. We continued our PM focus areas and then went to electives lead by our LITs like beginner tae kwon do, Xtreme mafia, “ball”room dancing, and song-a-grams. There was also beginner sculling offered as well as archery and mountain biking. We had free choice during E3 and most of us practiced our lipsyncs with our cabins. Dinner was a tasty stir fry with chicken and veggies over rice. The evening activity was HALLOWEEEEEEN! We had a super spooky haunted trail through the forest and a movie up top. There were a lot of mysterious characters haunting HP until late in the night. Since we stayed up a little later, we will get to sleep in a little bit tomorrow.