Join the Camp Internship Team (CIT) Program!
The Basics
Who can apply?
Applicants should:
Be current high school Juniors and be at least 17 before June 15, 2023
Have a high degree of professionalism and maturity
Be excited to live and work in a close-knit community as a role model to younger children and as part of a team
Have a desire to work hard and play hard in a fast-paced environment with little down time or alone time
Hope to learn job skills in the field of childcare and education or food service and agriculture
Want an action-packed summer they will never forget
When is it?
There will be two CIT sessions:
June 18-July 14
July 16-August 11
Free. Room and board in a shared bunk room is included. Additional cost for Red Cross Lifeguard certification (scholarships available).
What do CITs do?
CITs can choose from two different internship tracks - Counselor or Farm and Food. CITs in both tracks will stay in cabins, go on a fun mid session camping trip, and have daily meetings together.
Counselor CITs will learn behavior management skills and teaching tools for working with children while practicing planning and leading activities. Tasks will include assisting counselors during Cabin Time and with activities and helping supervise campers.
Farm and Food CITs will learn prep cook skills (such as knife skills and safe food handling) while assisting in the kitchen, and gardening skills (such as plant care and identification) while working in the farm. Tasks will include assigned work times in the kitchen and garden.
Red Cross lifeguard certification will be offered during the break between sessions (July 14-16), for those who wish to become certified. CITs from both sessions can stay late or arrive early in order to attend the training. The cost for the training will be $175, which covers the additional meals and fees to the Red Cross and our trainer. Scholarships are available to cover the fee for those who have financial need. Physical requirements include the ability to swim 550 yards without stopping. If hired as a counselor in 2024, lifeguards will receive additional pay which will cover the cost of certification.
Why You Should Apply
Positively impact the lives of children.
Form incredible friendships with your fellow CITs.
Build independance and have an action-packed summer.
Learn useful job skills that are transferable to future roles at Hosmer Point or elsewhere.
CITs will be considered first for seasonal Counselor, Kitchen, Maintenance, and Farm positions at Hosmer Point in 2024. Staff who have completed the CIT program receive a pay bonus.
Build your resume or college application.
How to Apply
Click this link to complete the online application by January 1. The application must be completed by the CIT applicant, not a parent.
Forward this reference form link: https://forms.gle/smFcbUUv56YgcaLP9 to two professional or educational references (not friends or family members). Ask them to complete the form by January 1.
We will contact the CIT applicant to set up a time for an Zoom interview on or before January 1.
Successful applicants and placements will be announced in early January.
Applications may be accepted after January 1, if there are remaining spaces.
Questions? CIT applicants can email Director Jordan Swank with questions at hosmerpointjordan@gmail.com. We will also host a Zoom information session for prospective applicants on December 7th at 7:00 PM. Email for Zoom link.